Park N.S is a Catholic co-educational primary school with a Catholic Ethos under the patronage of the Bishop of Cloyne, William Crean.

In Park N.S. the following values are promoted:

  • Education is seen as a collaborative process between parent, teacher and child
  • The school community is valued and respected
  • Respect, tolerance and fairness is evident throughout the school
  • A high quality of teaching and learning take place in the school
  • Inclusive methods of teaching are used and varying educational needs are differentiated for
  • Social, moral and civic values are promoted
  • A supportive environment is cultivated in the school to help those with difficulties
  • Individuality, innovation and creativity are fostered
  • Conflict is handled constructively
  • Open communication is encouraged
  • Gender equity is promoted
  • Tá meas againn ar Ghaeilge labhartha

School Principal

Magna et nibh quam eu at viverra ut hac faucibus sed cras.

Felis mauris quisque scelerisque ac et, porta sit placerat pharetra, ac sodales vel vitae tincidunt mauris arcu placerat mi quis lorem orci, parturient rutrum.

Tortor platea nunc lorem morbi pellentesque sed enim viverra venenatis, sem pellentesque massa nunc quis lectus.

Principal & Class Teacher: Mrs. Hennessy


Nibh in sed venenatis, senectus fermentum nullam donec nulla quis ut facilisis


Nibh in sed venenatis, senectus fermentum nullam donec nulla quis ut facilisis


Nibh in sed venenatis, senectus fermentum nullam donec nulla quis ut facilisis


Nibh in sed venenatis, senectus fermentum nullam donec nulla quis ut facilisis

We at Park N.S seek to provide a high standard of teaching and learning. We strive to provide a supportive school climate that is well-ordered, caring and happy. Whilst our school is a Catholic primary school, religious differences are appreciated and respected.
Meet the Staff

Park NS Teachers 2024-2025

Ms. Karen Lucey Bourke

Vice Principal & Class Teacher:



Ms. Linda Guilly

SET Teacher



Mrs. Douris


Agnes & Ann-Marie


A home like school community